It was the last summer they’d all be together. Half of the group was graduating from college and entering the workforce, the other half was gearing up to move away and start their lives. A beach day was the perfect suggestion for a way to spend time together.
The vacation had been planned a month in advance, head down to San Diego and try literally every fun thing they could think of. Sea World, DisneyLand, California Adventure, and most importantly: the plain ol’ beach.
Dave hops and sand comes up with him. "Got it!" His palm strikes the volleyball coming his way. Just as it lands on the opposing side of the net, he slips as his legs come back in contact with the ground. "Ow... Fuck, pretty sure I got sand up my ass or something."
"A small price to pay for bringing us the win, Dave!" John throws his arms around his friend, helping him to his feet. “The girls owe us margaritas now.”
Off to the side, lounging on a dark purple towel, Rose rolls her eyes. “I hope you don’t mean all the girls, John. Kanaya and I had no part in this game.” She motions to her girlfriend who nods.
“Of course! I just meant the losers.” He thumbs at the opposing team where Jade has her arms crossed. “Dave should get two margaritas for how he delivered the winning spike.”
“Egbert, I don’t even want a margarita. You can have mine.” Dave shakes out his swim trunks, cringing as sand falls but some grains still cling to his skin. “Where the fuck are the showers?” A bunch of different hands come up and point him in the right direction. “Perfect.”
As he stalks off, the players start to head towards the little pop-up bar on the beach.
“Things were certainly close there.” Kanaya turns to Rose, a bottle of sunscreen in her hand. Even if they have an umbrella covering their lounging spot, you could never be too safe. She pours out a good amount on her palm before gently applying a generous coat to Rose’s back for her.
Rose relaxes into her girlfriend’s hands as a hum falls from her lips. “If Dave didn’t have all that height then the boys would be in trouble. He’s the perfect setter and his spikes are lethal.”
“Then maybe you should have joined the game.” Kanaya muses. “You could’ve made things even for the girls.”
“No, then Dave and I would attempt to tear each other apart.”
“Ah, sibling rivalry.” Kanaya wipes the excess sunscreen off her hands and onto the towel below her. “I suppose it is for the best, then.” She wraps her arms around Rose from behind, chin set on her shoulder. “You’d win, darling. You’d wipe the floor with them.”
The blonde woman leans back into Kanaya as her black-painted lips curl into a smile. “You always know just what to say, don’t you? Such a charmer. Maybe if they play another game I’ll join. Jade looked just about ready to strangle someone… I could take her place.”
Rose does end up in the next game of volleyball, Kanaya cheering her on from their shady spot. “Brother dearest, I hope you’re ready.”
“Born ready. If I get sand in my unmentionables again, though, I’m gonna pull a Karkat and start screaming.”
She can’t help her laugh, holding the ball out with one palm and swinging a closed fist against it. Her wrist bumps the bottom and launches it into the air, across the net. Dave hops up, attempting to immediately spike the serve. It unfortunately goes right over his head and Karkat makes a dive for it. He ends up in the sand, but the ball is soaring back over to the girls.
“Nice save, Karkat!” John sets the ball when Roxy sends it back, Dave trying to spike it again.
Jade stops the power strike with a well-timed bump. “Ow, my wrists.”
They continue the volley for quite awhile until Rose jumps, slamming the heel of her palm into the ball hard enough that no one’s able to return it. It bounces in the sand, rolling over to Sollux’s feet.
“Point to the girls!” Terezi chuckles, drawing a line in the sand from her position on the sidelines. “First to five wins!”
The girls keep the energy going, eventually winning 5-2.
“Margaritas?” John is already reaching for his wallet and Rose smirks behind her hand.
“If the others want some, I’ll have to decline.” She takes her spot on the towel next to Kanaya again. “I’ve got sand everywhere.”
“Well, maybe you should go rinse off before you get it all over the towel too, honey.” Kanaya huffs as her girlfriend wraps her grain-covered arms around her. “Or all over me, Rose!”
The blonde grins, resting her chin on Kanaya’s shoulder and getting comfy. “You love me.”
Kanaya sighs, toying with the tie at the back of Rose’s bikini top as she accepts the hug. “That I do.”